〜絵柄に込められた思い〜 日本の絶滅危惧種シリーズ [イカリモンハンミョウ紋] 石川県の天然記念物で、背の模様が錨のように見えるハンミョウ科の虫です。
[Abroscelis anchoralis (a kind of Tiger beetle)] It is one of natural resources in Ishikawa-prefecture. It is a kind of Tiger beetle having a pattern that looks like an anchor on back. Its population has recently been decreasing dramatically due to the habitat degradation and it is designated as an endangered species.絶滅危惧種 イカリモンハンミョウ 〜絵柄に込められた思い〜 日本の絶滅危惧種シリーズ [イカリモンハンミョウ紋] 石川県の天然記念物で、背の模様が錨のように見えるハンミョウ科の虫です。
[Abroscelis anchoralis (a kind of Tiger beetle)] It is one of natural resources in Ishikawa-prefecture. It is a kind of Tiger beetle having a pattern that looks like an anchor on back. Its population has recently been decreasing dramatically due to the habitat degradation and it is designated as an endangered species.